Friday, July 6, 2012

cucumber madness!

So this is our very first garden and we didn't know what to expect as far as what it would produce and how it would grow.  Thus far we have enjoyed a little salad, two side dishes of green beans, about 4 strawberries (yeah we probably won't grow those again), maybe 8 pea pods and now the cucumbers have started to ripen and whoa!  I can't keep up with them.  Yesterday I brought in three and I'm holding off on picking two more that are about ready. 

Luckily I like cucumbers and if anyone has any recipe suggestions please share!

I love a cucumber salad and I threw together a quick one yesterday.  

1 Cucumber peeled and thinly sliced
about 1/4 white vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/3 cup sliced onion
couple tablespoons of fresh dill

Let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour.  The longer it sits the better it is.  This is pretty forgiving and if you use more cucumbers up the amount for the vinegar and sugar. 

It is fresh and summery and perfect for 90 degree weather!

There has been an awful lot of food talk on here lately huh?  I'm hungry all the time.

Our kitchen cabinetry is finally on the horizon and should be done within the next few weeks.  I have a stool makeover to take care for the little "desk" spot we'll have that I'm hoping to share next week.

Happy Friday!


  1. Cucumber salad is my favorite! I wish I had a garden :)

  2. Love Cucumber salad!!! Also love cucumber martinis! Stay cool Teresa and have a great weekend!

  3. I just love cucumber salad! and cucumbers for that matter! You are inspiring me to grow a garden next year!
    dee dee


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