Look at this lovely little home from Tumbleweed houses. Did living little ever look so appealing?! Ok our house isn't this little and it isn't this scenic either but it is fairly small. It works really well for us and we're very fond of our little ranch home. As anyone with an older home knows, large closets and lots of storage space wasn't really a big thing way back but our house makes efficient use of space and it fits our small family well. I love the ease of caring for a toddler in a small ranch home. No stairs to worry about except the basement stairs that are safely behind a door. I can keep an eye and ear on him at all times with ease. It is not easy to hide a mess in here since upon entering the front door you are standing in the living room and have a clear view to the kitchen, dining room, hall way, one of the bedrooms and the bathroom. It can be a good thing and forces me to keep things tidy and fight the clutter which can be against my nature.
Little homes are gaining popularity but not here in northern NJ where large is still king! We would love a larger home someday but not much larger. An upgrade to 4 bedrooms instead of 3 and at least another bathroom since living with one bathroom can have its challenges. A larger kitchen would be nice but other than that our "dream home" wouldn't be terribly big. With a larger size would come more cleaning, higher costs for maintenance and much more time spent caring for our home rather than enjoying living in it. It can be hard not to get swept up into wishing for bigger all the time. What about you... are you living little? Do you dream of a larger house? Do you have a large house but would like to downgrade and live smaller?
Coming next... our house tour!
My family and I just downsized from a huge house to a just right house! It took us almost a year to buy, gut, renovate and move in.... but we love it! Many years ago a realitor recommend not to downsize, saying that most people she knew who did, moved back to a bigger home within a few years. I am so glad that we didn't listen to her advice. We now have a home that fits us well! Feel free to drop by and check out our reno dee dee